But now, i want to do gamble write something in english version. Just random topic about my hobby watch talents auditions like Indonesian Idols, American Idols, The Voice, Asia's or America's Got talents and many more event dangdut auditions ( i love aty academy wakakakak, for a sentimentil reason :p)
Somehow, i like see all of contestants expressions when they received the golden ticket or when the judges said yes. My tears suddenly covered my eyes and i sobbed like a child missing candies hahahahahahaa.
acara got talent yg lagi sy ikuti skrg g pernah ketinggalan ntn di axn bahkan siaran ulangnya di antv |
One of my favorite ulalala aty aku padamu hohohho. Picture taken from dangdut.jimdo.com |
strangely, i only like the auditions not the competions. I don't care about the winner cos i think every body who passed the auditions was the winner. can you imagine, they sacrificed their time, energy event dignity to find dreams be a celebrity. Good and unique talents made your self proud, on the contrary if not how pity you are will be laughing stock for the judges and the viewers (the viewers like me, my self and i hahahhaha).
Okeeeeh, enough embracing my self write tons of typo and gramatical erors. I scared the Nazi Language will kill me suddenly hohhoohohohoo.
Kalau cowok di foto ini langsung dapat golden tiket di hatiku eaaaaaa |
Ciaoooooo, see you in others english version if i dare.
aku juga suka nonton aara seperti itu, audisi, jadi ajang pencarian bakat
ReplyDeleteSaya ada temannya xixixixiix
Deletedulu sih suka, sekarang ngga punya waktu sih tepatnya buat nonton
ReplyDeleteIyah mas ntn ginian kerjaannya orng yg krng kerjaan kek sy xixixxixi
Deleteyang saya suka sekarang acara SUCI, mbak.
ReplyDeletestand up comedy
Kekx emang stand up comedy lg happenong yah,, soalnya lucu hehhee
Deletegan blog anda sudah saya follow tolong follow balik blog saya ya, salam blogwalking!!
ReplyDeleteThanks gan....
DeleteEaaaaa.. Ada grufie mesranya yaaaa sekarang :P
ReplyDeleteWakakakakak... itu foto taon kapan entahlah skitar 5 taun yg lalu kekx
DeleteFoto yang sekarang doooongs.. :D
DeleteEntar bebz,,kalau PDx dah muncul lg hajahaha
DeleteHahah.. Dasar! :P
Deleteacara asia's got talent seru tuh mbak :D
ReplyDeleteIyah sy sukaaaaaa mbak xixxxi
DeleteAduh mba ini sweet banget ke suaminya, sumaiku kemana? ohya lupa kan belum nikah x___x
ReplyDeleteAyo.... ayoo mN suaminya xixxixi #dikemplang
ReplyDeleteAku sukaaa juga nonton audisi mencari bakat, tapi di Youtube, jadi yang ditonton yang bagus bagus aja hahaha =))
ReplyDeleteTrnyata acara ginian emang banyak yg sukak ya xixxixixixi
DeleteAku gak pernah nonton di TV, tapi potongan-potongannya suka nonton online, hihihi :)
ReplyDeleteS jg sukak ntn onlen audisi g lama2 kek si susan boyle itu duh ntnnya bikin terharu heheheheh
DeleteUhuuuuyy, yg writingnya A, haruuss dooong PD #EEHHsalahfokus :p
ReplyDeleteSaya juga suka, malah dulu waktu masih ABG labil jamannya AFI bela2in nonton sampe hampir Subuh trus pake acara ikutan mewek saat eliminasi, wkwkwkwkk
Sy cuman suka ntn audisix darl..... males klu sdh tanding2nya hahahaha
DeleteSuka nonton The Voice tp sama, cuma bagian audisi aja.. Selebihnya malas..haha :D
ReplyDeleteBener py, kok klu udah lolos audisi gregetnya kurang xixixixixix
DeleteI love watching the Voice...the audition is great :). You are right, the fact that they are in the competition is awesome already :)
ReplyDeleteYeah,,, somehow asian auditions more intresting than others.... lbh dapt kali feelx hehehehe